
Jim has been practicing meditation since 2007 and guiding meditations in Madrid since 2015. From 2017 to 2021, Jim spent nearly 10 months in silent retreats with various teachers in the Theravada tradition of Buddhism. Jim is the guiding teacher of the Sunday English Sangha.

Jim is the founder of Sala Dāna and the president of the Board of the Asociación Nacional Danasati.

Jim divides his time between Madrid, Paris and California, where he is from.

Jim lleva practicando meditación regularmente desde 2007 y lleva guiando las meditaciones en Madrid desde 2015. De 2017 a 2021, se quedaba casi 10 meses en retiros de silencio con varios maestros y maestras en la tradición de Theravada Budismo. Jim es el guía principal para la sangha inglés los domingos.

Jim es el fundador de Sala Dāna.